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Domain Name Search
AllgTLDPopularccTLDSpecialtyMoney and FinanceServicesFeaturedGeographyIdentity and LifestyleAdultBusinessReal EstateTechnologyOtherArts and EntertainmentCommunityShoppingInterestNoveltyLeisure and RecreationFood and DrinkGeographicSponsored
Domain | Type | Years (1) -+ | Register | Transfer | Renew |
.com.auhot | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $14.25 | $30.75 | $14.25 |
.net.aunone | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $14.25 | $32.25 | $14.25 |
.org.aunone | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $14.25 | $29.63 | $14.25 |
.asn.aunone | 1 | $14.25 | $40.13 | $14.25 | |
.id.aunone | 1 | $14.25 | $55.88 | $14.25 | |
.comhot | Popular, gTLD | 1 | $30.75 | $73.88 | $30.75 |
.netnone | Popular, gTLD | 1 | $32.25 | $34.50 | $32.25 |
.orgnone | Popular, gTLD | 1 | $29.63 | $34.50 | $29.63 |
.biznone | Popular, gTLD | 1 | $40.13 | $34.50 | $40.13 |
.infonone | Popular, gTLD | 1 | $55.88 | $34.50 | $55.88 |
.tvnone | ccTLD, Geography, Specialty | 1 | $73.88 | $34.50 | $73.88 |
.co.nznone | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $34.50 | $34.50 | $34.50 |
.geek.nznone | 1 | $34.50 | $14.63 | $34.50 | |
.nznone | 1 | $34.50 | $14.63 | $34.50 | |
.net.nznone | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $34.50 | $14.63 | $34.50 |
.org.nznone | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $34.50 | $14.63 | $34.50 |
.school.nznone | 1 | $34.50 | $14.63 | $34.50 | |
.co.uknone | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $14.63 | $21.00 | $14.63 |
.me.uk | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $14.63 | $88.13 | $14.63 |
.net.uk | 1 | $14.63 | $33.00 | $14.63 | |
.org.uknone | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $14.63 | $70.50 | $14.63 |
.uknone | ccTLD, Popular, Geographic | 1 | $14.63 | $43.88 | $14.63 |
.namenone | Popular, gTLD, Specialty, Sponsored | 1 | $21.00 | $44.63 | $21.00 |
.mobinone | Popular, gTLD, Specialty, Sponsored | 1 | $88.13 | $247.88 | $88.13 |
.asianone | ccTLD, Popular, Geography, gTLD | 1 | $33.00 | $109.13 | $33.00 |
.conone | ccTLD, Geography, Specialty | 1 | $70.50 | $217.88 | $70.50 |
.menone | ccTLD, Geography, Specialty | 1 | $43.88 | $58.13 | $43.88 |
.pwnone | Business, ccTLD, Specialty | 1 | $44.63 | $247.88 | $44.63 |
.xxxnone | gTLD, Specialty, Sponsored | 1 | $247.88 | $130.88 | $247.88 |
.acnone | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $109.13 | $72.75 | $109.13 |
.agnone | ccTLD | 1 | $217.88 | $52.88 | $217.88 |
.ccnone | ccTLD, Popular, Specialty | 1 | $58.13 | $102.00 | $58.13 |
.fmnone | ccTLD, Geography, Specialty | 1 | $247.88 | $232.50 | $247.88 |
.ionone | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $130.88 | $109.13 | $130.88 |
.lanone | ccTLD, Geography, Specialty | 1 | $72.75 | $146.25 | $72.75 |
.lcnone | 1 | $52.88 | $74.63 | $52.88 | |
.mnnone | ccTLD | 1 | $102.00 | $44.63 | $102.00 |
.scnone | ccTLD | 1 | $232.50 | $18.00 | $232.50 |
.shnone | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $109.13 | $72.75 | $109.13 |
.sonone | 1 | $146.25 | $58.13 | $146.25 | |
.stnone | 1 | $74.63 | $96.75 | $74.63 | |
.twnone | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $44.63 | $59.25 | $44.63 |
.usnone | ccTLD, Popular, Geography | 1 | $18.00 | $236.25 | $18.00 |
.vcnone | ccTLD | 1 | $72.75 | $90.75 | $72.75 |
.ws | ccTLD, Specialty | 1 | $58.13 | $247.88 | $58.13 |
.academynone | Education, Popular, gTLD | 1 | $96.75 | $61.88 | $96.75 |
.accountant | Money and Finance, Services | 1 | $59.25 | $117.38 | $59.25 |
.accountantsnone | Featured, gTLD, Money and Finance, Services | 1 | $236.25 | $82.50 | $236.25 |
.actornone | Arts and Entertainment, Featured, gTLD, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $90.75 | $126.00 | $90.75 |
.adultnone | Adult | 1 | $247.88 | $73.88 | $247.88 |
.agencynone | Business, Popular, gTLD | 1 | $61.88 | $291.38 | $61.88 |
.apartmentsnone | Featured, Real Estate, Services | 1 | $117.38 | $5809.13 | $117.38 |
.associatesnone | Business, Featured, Popular, gTLD | 1 | $82.50 | $146.25 | $82.50 |
.attorneynone | Featured, Services | 1 | $126.00 | $64.50 | $126.00 |
.auctionnone | Featured, Shopping | 1 | $73.88 | $146.25 | $73.88 |
.audionone | Arts and Entertainment, Featured, Shopping | 1 | $291.38 | $67.88 | $291.38 |
.auto | Featured, Services, Shopping | 1 | $5809.13 | $59.25 | $5809.13 |
.baby | Featured, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $146.25 | $79.13 | $146.25 |
.bandnone | Arts and Entertainment, Featured, Interest | 1 | $64.50 | $134.63 | $64.50 |
.barnone | Featured, Food and Drink, Popular, Geographic, gTLD | 1 | $146.25 | $291.38 | $146.25 |
.bargainsnone | Popular, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $67.88 | $50.25 | $67.88 |
.beernone | Food and Drink | 1 | $59.25 | $73.88 | $59.25 |
.bikenone | Popular, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $79.13 | $146.25 | $79.13 |
.blacknone | Identity and Lifestyle, Novelty | 1 | $134.63 | $79.13 | $134.63 |
.blackfridaynone | Popular, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $291.38 | $37.50 | $291.38 |
.bluenone | Popular, gTLD, Novelty | 1 | $50.25 | $67.88 | $50.25 |
.boutiquenone | Popular, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $73.88 | $93.75 | $73.88 |
.buildnone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $146.25 | $117.38 | $146.25 |
.buildersnone | Popular, gTLD, Real Estate, Services | 1 | $79.13 | $120.00 | $79.13 |
.businessnone | Business, Featured | 1 | $37.50 | $143.25 | $37.50 |
.cabnone | Popular, gTLD, Services | 1 | $67.88 | $79.13 | $67.88 |
.cafenone | Featured, Food and Drink | 1 | $93.75 | $88.13 | $93.75 |
.cameranone | Popular, gTLD, Interest | 1 | $117.38 | $146.25 | $117.38 |
.campnone | Popular, gTLD, Interest, Leisure and Recreation | 1 | $120.00 | $18.38 | $120.00 |
.capitalnone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Money and Finance | 1 | $143.25 | $73.88 | $143.25 |
.cardsnone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Interest | 1 | $79.13 | $343.50 | $79.13 |
.carenone | Featured, gTLD, Interest | 1 | $88.13 | $79.13 | $88.13 |
.careersnone | Business, Popular, gTLD, Services | 1 | $146.25 | $64.50 | $146.25 |
.casanone | Featured, Real Estate | 1 | $18.38 | $79.13 | $18.38 |
.cashnone | Featured, gTLD, Money and Finance | 1 | $73.88 | $73.88 | $73.88 |
.casinonone | Featured, Leisure and Recreation | 1 | $343.50 | $146.25 | $343.50 |
.cateringnone | Featured, Food and Drink, Popular, gTLD, Services | 1 | $79.13 | $90.75 | $79.13 |
.centernone | Business, Popular, gTLD | 1 | $64.50 | $53.25 | $64.50 |
.chatnone | Featured, Technology | 1 | $79.13 | $134.63 | $79.13 |
.cheapnone | Popular, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $73.88 | $27.00 | $73.88 |
.christmasnone | Popular, gTLD, Interest | 1 | $146.25 | $153.38 | $146.25 |
.churchnone | Featured, gTLD, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $90.75 | $131.63 | $90.75 |
.citynone | Featured, Geographic | 1 | $53.25 | $73.88 | $53.25 |
.claimsnone | Featured, gTLD, Services | 1 | $134.63 | $143.25 | $134.63 |
.click | Technology | 1 | $27.00 | $134.63 | $27.00 |
.cleaningnone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Services | 1 | $153.38 | $79.13 | $153.38 |
.clinicnone | Featured, gTLD, Services | 1 | $131.63 | $146.25 | $131.63 |
.clothingnone | Popular, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $73.88 | $82.50 | $73.88 |
.coachnone | Featured, Sports | 1 | $143.25 | $37.50 | $143.25 |
.codesnone | Popular, gTLD, Technology | 1 | $134.63 | $79.13 | $134.63 |
.coffeenone | Food and Drink, Popular, gTLD | 1 | $79.13 | $117.38 | $79.13 |
.collegenone | Education, Featured | 1 | $146.25 | $79.13 | $146.25 |
.communitynone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $82.50 | $105.38 | $82.50 |
.companynone | Business, Popular, gTLD | 1 | $37.50 | $67.88 | $37.50 |
.computernone | Popular, gTLD, Shopping, Technology | 1 | $79.13 | $59.25 | $79.13 |
.condosnone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Real Estate | 1 | $117.38 | $79.13 | $117.38 |
.constructionnone | Popular, gTLD, Services | 1 | $79.13 | $5809.13 | $79.13 |
.consultingnone | Featured, gTLD, Services | 1 | $105.38 | $81.00 | $105.38 |
.contractorsnone | Popular, gTLD, Services | 1 | $67.88 | $219.00 | $67.88 |
.cookingnone | Food and Drink, Popular, gTLD, Interest | 1 | $59.25 | $364.13 | $59.25 |
.coolnone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Novelty | 1 | $79.13 | $126.00 | $79.13 |
.countrynone | Popular, Geographic, gTLD | 1 | $5809.13 | $55.88 | $5809.13 |
.coursesnone | Education | 1 | $81.00 | $131.63 | $81.00 |
.creditnone | Featured, gTLD, Money and Finance | 1 | $219.00 | $79.13 | $219.00 |
.creditcardnone | Featured, gTLD, Money and Finance | 1 | $364.13 | $99.38 | $364.13 |
.cruisesnone | Popular, gTLD, Leisure and Recreation | 1 | $126.00 | $120.00 | $126.00 |
.dancenone | Popular, gTLD, Leisure and Recreation | 1 | $55.88 | $67.88 | $55.88 |
.datingnone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $131.63 | $146.25 | $131.63 |
.dealsnone | Featured, Shopping | 1 | $79.13 | $146.25 | $79.13 |
.degreenone | Education, Featured | 1 | $99.38 | $102.75 | $99.38 |
.deliverynone | Featured, Services | 1 | $120.00 | $111.38 | $120.00 |
.democratnone | Popular, gTLD, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $67.88 | $291.38 | $67.88 |
.dentalnone | Featured, gTLD, Services | 1 | $146.25 | $85.13 | $146.25 |
.dentistnone | Featured, Services | 1 | $146.25 | $79.13 | $146.25 |
.designnone | Featured, Services | 1 | $102.75 | $53.25 | $102.75 |
.diamondsnone | Popular, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $111.38 | $67.88 | $111.38 |
.dietnone | Featured, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $291.38 | $128.63 | $291.38 |
.digitalnone | Featured, gTLD, Technology | 1 | $85.13 | $88.13 | $85.13 |
.directnone | Featured, gTLD, Services | 1 | $79.13 | $59.25 | $79.13 |
.directorynone | Popular, gTLD, Services | 1 | $53.25 | $44.63 | $53.25 |
.discountnone | Featured, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $67.88 | $168.00 | $67.88 |
.dognone | Featured, Interest | 1 | $128.63 | $70.50 | $128.63 |
.domainsnone | Popular, gTLD, Technology | 1 | $88.13 | $61.88 | $88.13 |
.download | Services, Technology | 1 | $59.25 | $236.25 | $59.25 |
.earth | Geographic | 1 | $44.63 | $79.13 | $44.63 |
.eco | Community, Featured, Interest | 1 | $168.00 | $134.63 | $168.00 |
.educationnone | Education, Popular, gTLD | 1 | $70.50 | $79.13 | $70.50 |
.emailnone | Popular, gTLD, Services, Technology | 1 | $61.88 | $50.25 | $61.88 |
.energynone | Featured, gTLD, Services | 1 | $236.25 | $79.13 | $236.25 |
.engineernone | Featured, Services | 1 | $79.13 | $88.13 | $79.13 |
.engineeringnone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Services | 1 | $134.63 | $79.13 | $134.63 |
.enterprisesnone | Business, Popular, gTLD | 1 | $79.13 | $122.63 | $79.13 |
.equipmentnone | Popular, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $50.25 | $44.63 | $50.25 |
.estatenone | Popular, gTLD, Money and Finance | 1 | $79.13 | $79.13 | $79.13 |
.eventsnone | Arts and Entertainment, Featured, Popular, gTLD, Leisure and Recreation | 1 | $88.13 | $73.88 | $88.13 |
.exchangenone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Money and Finance, Shopping | 1 | $79.13 | $146.25 | $79.13 |
.expertnone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Services | 1 | $122.63 | $79.13 | $122.63 |
.exposednone | Popular, gTLD, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $44.63 | $59.25 | $44.63 |
.expressnone | Featured, Identity and Lifestyle, Services | 1 | $79.13 | $192.75 | $79.13 |
.failnone | Featured, gTLD, Novelty | 1 | $73.88 | $131.63 | $73.88 |
.fansnone | Identity and Lifestyle, Sports | 1 | $146.25 | $117.38 | $146.25 |
.farmnone | Business, Featured, Popular, gTLD, Services | 1 | $79.13 | $88.13 | $79.13 |
.fashionnone | Featured, Identity and Lifestyle, Shopping | 1 | $59.25 | $59.25 | $59.25 |
.filmnone | Arts and Entertainment, Featured | 1 | $192.75 | $59.25 | $192.75 |
.financenone | Featured, gTLD, Money and Finance, Services | 1 | $131.63 | $82.50 | $131.63 |
.financialnone | Featured, gTLD, Money and Finance, Services | 1 | $117.38 | $117.38 | $117.38 |
.fishnone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Leisure and Recreation | 1 | $88.13 | $73.88 | $88.13 |
.fishingnone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Leisure and Recreation | 1 | $59.25 | $291.38 | $59.25 |
.fitnone | Identity and Lifestyle, Services | 1 | $59.25 | $53.25 | $59.25 |
.fitnessnone | Featured, gTLD, Identity and Lifestyle, Services | 1 | $82.50 | $73.88 | $82.50 |
.flightsnone | Popular, gTLD, Leisure and Recreation, Services | 1 | $117.38 | $63.38 | $117.38 |
.floristnone | Popular, gTLD, Services | 1 | $73.88 | $143.25 | $73.88 |
.flowersnone | Featured, Services | 1 | $291.38 | $233.25 | $291.38 |
.footballnone | Featured, Interest, Sports | 1 | $53.25 | $38.63 | $53.25 |
.forsalenone | Featured, Real Estate, Shopping | 1 | $73.88 | $55.88 | $73.88 |
.foundationnone | Business, Popular, gTLD | 1 | $63.38 | $59.25 | $63.38 |
.fundnone | Featured, gTLD, Money and Finance | 1 | $143.25 | $39.75 | $143.25 |
.furniturenone | Featured, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $233.25 | $73.88 | $233.25 |
.futbolnone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Interest, Sports | 1 | $38.63 | $63.38 | $38.63 |
.gallerynone | Arts and Entertainment, Popular, gTLD | 1 | $55.88 | $128.63 | $55.88 |
.gardennone | Featured, Interest | 1 | $59.25 | $186.75 | $59.25 |
.giftnone | Popular, gTLD, Interest, Services | 1 | $39.75 | $219.00 | $39.75 |
.giftsnone | Featured, Shopping | 1 | $73.88 | $131.63 | $73.88 |
.givesnone | Business, Featured, Interest | 1 | $63.38 | $53.25 | $63.38 |
.glassnone | Popular, gTLD, Services | 1 | $128.63 | $47.25 | $128.63 |
.globalnone | Featured, Geographic | 1 | $186.75 | $166.13 | $186.75 |
.goldnone | Featured, Money and Finance | 1 | $219.00 | $67.88 | $219.00 |
.golfnone | Featured, Interest, Sports | 1 | $131.63 | $85.13 | $131.63 |
.graphicsnone | Popular, gTLD, Services, Technology | 1 | $53.25 | $291.38 | $53.25 |
.gratisnone | Featured, gTLD, Novelty | 1 | $47.25 | $85.13 | $47.25 |
.greennone | Featured, Interest | 1 | $166.13 | $67.88 | $166.13 |
.gripenone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Novelty | 1 | $67.88 | $175.50 | $67.88 |
.guidenone | Featured, gTLD, Services | 1 | $85.13 | $59.25 | $85.13 |
.guitarsnone | Popular, gTLD, Interest, Services | 1 | $291.38 | $59.25 | $291.38 |
.gurunone | Popular, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $85.13 | $120.00 | $85.13 |
.hausnone | Featured, gTLD, Real Estate | 1 | $67.88 | $131.63 | $67.88 |
.healthcarenone | Featured, Services | 1 | $175.50 | $128.63 | $175.50 |
.helpnone | Featured, Services | 1 | $59.25 | $59.25 | $59.25 |
.hiphopnone | Arts and Entertainment | 1 | $59.25 | $219.00 | $59.25 |
.hockeynone | Featured, Interest, Sports | 1 | $120.00 | $872.25 | $120.00 |
.holdingsnone | Popular, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $131.63 | $90.75 | $131.63 |
.holidaynone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Leisure and Recreation | 1 | $128.63 | $59.25 | $128.63 |
.horsenone | Popular, gTLD, Leisure and Recreation | 1 | $59.25 | $70.50 | $59.25 |
.hostnone | Technology | 1 | $219.00 | $76.50 | $219.00 |
.hostingnone | Featured, Services, Technology | 1 | $872.25 | $93.75 | $872.25 |
.housenone | Popular, gTLD, Real Estate | 1 | $90.75 | $55.88 | $90.75 |
.hownone | Novelty | 1 | $59.25 | $55.88 | $59.25 |
.immonone | Community, Featured, Real Estate | 1 | $70.50 | $146.25 | $70.50 |
.immobiliennone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Real Estate | 1 | $76.50 | $64.50 | $76.50 |
.industriesnone | Business, Featured, Popular, gTLD | 1 | $93.75 | $262.50 | $93.75 |
.inknone | Popular, gTLD, Interest | 1 | $55.88 | $44.63 | $55.88 |
.institutenone | Popular, gTLD, Services | 1 | $55.88 | $131.63 | $55.88 |
.insurenone | Featured, gTLD, Services | 1 | $146.25 | $872.25 | $146.25 |
.internationalnone | Popular, Geographic, gTLD | 1 | $64.50 | $67.88 | $64.50 |
.investmentsnone | Featured, gTLD, Money and Finance, Services | 1 | $262.50 | $44.63 | $262.50 |
.irishnone | Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $44.63 | $131.63 | $44.63 |
.jewelrynone | Featured, Shopping | 1 | $131.63 | $48.38 | $131.63 |
.juegosnone | Featured, Interest | 1 | $872.25 | $82.50 | $872.25 |
.kaufennone | Featured, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $67.88 | $126.00 | $67.88 |
.kimnone | Popular, gTLD, Identity and Lifestyle, Novelty | 1 | $44.63 | $111.38 | $44.63 |
.kitchennone | Food and Drink, Popular, gTLD | 1 | $131.63 | $143.25 | $131.63 |
.kiwinone | Popular, Geographic, gTLD, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $48.38 | $163.50 | $48.38 |
.landnone | Popular, gTLD, Real Estate | 1 | $82.50 | $76.50 | $82.50 |
.lawyernone | Featured, Services | 1 | $126.00 | $53.25 | $126.00 |
.leasenone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Real Estate | 1 | $111.38 | $73.88 | $111.38 |
.legalnone | Featured, Services | 1 | $143.25 | $111.38 | $143.25 |
.lgbtnone | Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $163.50 | $21.00 | $163.50 |
.lifenone | Featured, gTLD, Services | 1 | $76.50 | $233.25 | $76.50 |
.lightingnone | Popular, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $53.25 | $64.50 | $53.25 |
.limitednone | Business, Featured, gTLD | 1 | $73.88 | $59.25 | $73.88 |
.limonone | Popular, gTLD, Services | 1 | $111.38 | $73.88 | $111.38 |
.linknone | Popular, gTLD, Interest, Services | 1 | $21.00 | $120.00 | $21.00 |
.loansnone | Featured, gTLD, Money and Finance, Services | 1 | $233.25 | $53.25 | $233.25 |
.lolnone | Novelty | 1 | $64.50 | $93.75 | $64.50 |
.lovenone | Featured, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $59.25 | $82.50 | $59.25 |
.luxurynone | Popular, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $73.88 | $93.75 | $73.88 |
.maisonnone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Real Estate | 1 | $120.00 | $90.00 | $120.00 |
.managementnone | Business, Popular, gTLD, Services | 1 | $53.25 | $104.25 | $53.25 |
.marketnone | Featured, Shopping | 1 | $93.75 | $73.88 | $93.75 |
.marketingnone | Business, Featured, Popular, gTLD, Services | 1 | $82.50 | $82.50 | $82.50 |
.medianone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Technology | 1 | $93.75 | $79.13 | $93.75 |
.melbournenone | Geographic | 1 | $90.00 | $126.00 | $90.00 |
.memorialnone | Featured, Services | 1 | $104.25 | $70.50 | $104.25 |
.menunone | Popular, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $73.88 | $67.88 | $73.88 |
.modanone | Featured, gTLD, Interest, Shopping | 1 | $82.50 | $61.88 | $82.50 |
.moneynone | Featured, Money and Finance, Services | 1 | $79.13 | $58.50 | $79.13 |
.mortgagenone | Featured, Money and Finance, Services | 1 | $126.00 | $38.63 | $126.00 |
.networknone | Featured, Technology | 1 | $70.50 | $59.25 | $70.50 |
.newsnone | Arts and Entertainment, Featured, Services | 1 | $67.88 | $172.13 | $67.88 |
.ninjanone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Leisure and Recreation, Novelty | 1 | $61.88 | $143.25 | $61.88 |
.nycnone | Geographic, gTLD | 1 | $58.50 | $82.50 | $58.50 |
.onenone | Novelty | 1 | $38.63 | $73.88 | $38.63 |
.ooonone | Novelty | 1 | $59.25 | $73.88 | $59.25 |
.organicnone | Identity and Lifestyle, Interest | 1 | $172.13 | $55.88 | $172.13 |
.partnersnone | Business, Featured, Popular, gTLD | 1 | $143.25 | $192.75 | $143.25 |
.partsnone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $82.50 | $64.50 | $82.50 |
.photonone | Popular, gTLD, Interest, Services | 1 | $73.88 | $30.00 | $73.88 |
.photographynone | Arts and Entertainment, Popular, gTLD, Interest, Services | 1 | $73.88 | $51.75 | $73.88 |
.photosnone | Arts and Entertainment, Popular, gTLD | 1 | $55.88 | $131.63 | $55.88 |
.physio | Services | 1 | $192.75 | $44.63 | $192.75 |
.picsnone | Popular, gTLD, Interest, Services | 1 | $64.50 | $146.25 | $64.50 |
.picturesnone | Arts and Entertainment, Featured, Popular, gTLD | 1 | $30.00 | $93.75 | $30.00 |
.pinknone | Popular, gTLD, Novelty | 1 | $51.75 | $134.63 | $51.75 |
.pizzanone | Featured, Food and Drink | 1 | $131.63 | $247.88 | $131.63 |
.placenone | Featured, Geographic, gTLD | 1 | $44.63 | $172.13 | $44.63 |
.plumbingnone | Popular, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $146.25 | $82.50 | $146.25 |
.plusnone | Featured, Novelty | 1 | $93.75 | $50.25 | $93.75 |
.pokernone | Featured, Leisure and Recreation | 1 | $134.63 | $79.13 | $134.63 |
.pornnone | Adult | 1 | $247.88 | $291.38 | $247.88 |
.pressnone | Business | 1 | $172.13 | $5809.13 | $172.13 |
.productions | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Services | 1 | $82.50 | $82.50 | $82.50 |
.promo | Shopping | 1 | $50.25 | $59.25 | $50.25 |
.propertiesnone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Real Estate | 1 | $79.13 | $814.13 | $79.13 |
.propertynone | Featured, Real Estate | 1 | $291.38 | $160.88 | $291.38 |
.protection | 1 | $5809.13 | $47.25 | $5809.13 | |
.pubnone | Featured, Food and Drink, Popular, gTLD, Leisure and Recreation | 1 | $82.50 | $73.88 | $82.50 |
.racing | Featured, Interest, Sports | 1 | $59.25 | $192.75 | $59.25 |
.realty | Featured, Real Estate | 1 | $814.13 | $41.63 | $814.13 |
.recipesnone | Food and Drink, Popular, gTLD | 1 | $160.88 | $146.25 | $160.88 |
.rednone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Novelty | 1 | $47.25 | $90.75 | $47.25 |
.rehabnone | Featured, Services | 1 | $73.88 | $73.88 | $73.88 |
.reise | Leisure and Recreation | 1 | $192.75 | $50.25 | $192.75 |
.reisennone | Featured, gTLD, Leisure and Recreation | 1 | $41.63 | $73.88 | $41.63 |
.rentnone | Featured, Real Estate | 1 | $146.25 | $73.88 | $146.25 |
.rentalsnone | Popular, gTLD, Services | 1 | $90.75 | $128.63 | $90.75 |
.repairnone | Popular, gTLD, Services | 1 | $73.88 | $59.25 | $73.88 |
.reportnone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Interest | 1 | $50.25 | $126.00 | $50.25 |
.republicannone | Featured, gTLD, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $73.88 | $47.25 | $73.88 |
.restnone | Food and Drink, Popular, gTLD, Services | 1 | $73.88 | $44.63 | $73.88 |
.restaurantnone | Featured, Food and Drink | 1 | $128.63 | $15.75 | $128.63 |
.review | Interest | 1 | $59.25 | $53.25 | $59.25 |
.reviewsnone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Interest | 1 | $126.00 | $79.13 | $126.00 |
.ripnone | Featured, Novelty | 1 | $47.25 | $128.63 | $47.25 |
.rocksnone | Featured, gTLD, Novelty | 1 | $44.63 | $67.88 | $44.63 |
.rodeonone | Popular, gTLD, Interest, Sports | 1 | $15.75 | $73.88 | $15.75 |
.runnone | Featured, Interest, Sports | 1 | $53.25 | $59.25 | $53.25 |
.salenone | Featured, Shopping | 1 | $79.13 | $59.25 | $79.13 |
.salon | Featured, Services | 1 | $128.63 | $5809.13 | $128.63 |
.sarlnone | Business, Featured | 1 | $67.88 | $82.50 | $67.88 |
.schoolnone | Education, Featured | 1 | $73.88 | $247.88 | $73.88 |
.schulenone | Education, Featured, gTLD | 1 | $59.25 | $7261.13 | $59.25 |
.science | Education, Interest | 1 | $59.25 | $39.38 | $59.25 |
.security | Featured, Services | 1 | $5809.13 | $128.63 | $5809.13 |
.servicesnone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Services | 1 | $82.50 | $67.88 | $82.50 |
.sexnone | Adult | 1 | $247.88 | $88.13 | $247.88 |
.sexynone | Popular, gTLD, Interest, Services | 1 | $7261.13 | $67.88 | $7261.13 |
.shikshanone | Education, Popular, gTLD | 1 | $39.38 | $73.88 | $39.38 |
.shoesnone | Popular, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $128.63 | $50.25 | $128.63 |
.shopping | Featured, Shopping | 1 | $67.88 | $79.13 | $67.88 |
.shownone | Arts and Entertainment, Featured | 1 | $88.13 | $79.13 | $88.13 |
.singlesnone | Popular, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $67.88 | $128.63 | $67.88 |
.sitenone | Featured, Technology | 1 | $73.88 | $64.50 | $73.88 |
.soccer | Featured, Interest, Sports | 1 | $50.25 | $53.25 | $50.25 |
.socialnone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Leisure and Recreation | 1 | $79.13 | $59.25 | $79.13 |
.softwarenone | Featured, Technology | 1 | $79.13 | $1453.13 | $79.13 |
.solarnone | Popular, gTLD, Interest | 1 | $128.63 | $117.38 | $128.63 |
.solutionsnone | Business, Popular, gTLD | 1 | $64.50 | $59.25 | $64.50 |
.soy | Identity and Lifestyle, Interest | 1 | $53.25 | $90.75 | $53.25 |
.spacenone | Interest | 1 | $59.25 | $64.50 | $59.25 |
.storage | Featured, Services | 1 | $1453.13 | $79.13 | $1453.13 |
.store | Featured, Shopping | 1 | $117.38 | $578.63 | $117.38 |
.stream | 1 | $59.25 | $50.25 | $59.25 | |
.studio | Business, Featured, Real Estate | 1 | $90.75 | $53.25 | $90.75 |
.studynone | Education | 1 | $64.50 | $55.88 | $64.50 |
.stylenone | Featured, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $79.13 | $59.25 | $79.13 |
.sucks | Featured, Novelty | 1 | $578.63 | $111.38 | $578.63 |
.suppliesnone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $50.25 | $90.00 | $50.25 |
.supplynone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $53.25 | $70.50 | $53.25 |
.supportnone | Popular, gTLD, Services | 1 | $55.88 | $88.13 | $55.88 |
.surfnone | Leisure and Recreation | 1 | $59.25 | $143.25 | $59.25 |
.surgerynone | Featured, gTLD, Services | 1 | $111.38 | $131.63 | $111.38 |
.sydneynone | Geographic | 1 | $90.00 | $76.50 | $90.00 |
.systemsnone | Popular, gTLD, Technology | 1 | $70.50 | $131.63 | $70.50 |
.tattoonone | Popular, gTLD, Interest, Services | 1 | $88.13 | $59.25 | $88.13 |
.taxnone | Featured, gTLD, Money and Finance | 1 | $143.25 | $27.00 | $143.25 |
.taxinone | Community, Featured, Services | 1 | $131.63 | $134.63 | $131.63 |
.teamnone | Featured, Interest, Sports | 1 | $76.50 | $128.63 | $76.50 |
.technone | Featured, Technology | 1 | $131.63 | $1453.13 | $131.63 |
.technologynone | Popular, gTLD, Technology | 1 | $59.25 | $1017.38 | $59.25 |
.tel | gTLD, Specialty, Sponsored | 1 | $27.00 | $120.00 | $27.00 |
.tennisnone | Community, Featured, Interest, Sports | 1 | $134.63 | $61.88 | $134.63 |
.theaternone | Arts and Entertainment, Featured, Interest | 1 | $128.63 | $204.38 | $128.63 |
.theatre | Arts and Entertainment, Interest | 1 | $1453.13 | $59.25 | $1453.13 |
.ticketsnone | Featured, Shopping | 1 | $1017.38 | $73.88 | $1017.38 |
.tiendanone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $120.00 | $22.50 | $120.00 |
.tipsnone | Popular, gTLD, Services | 1 | $61.88 | $128.63 | $61.88 |
.tiresnone | Featured, Shopping | 1 | $204.38 | $76.50 | $204.38 |
.todaynone | Popular, gTLD, Novelty | 1 | $59.25 | $131.63 | $59.25 |
.toolsnone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $73.88 | $59.25 | $73.88 |
.top | Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $22.50 | $82.50 | $22.50 |
.toursnone | Featured, Leisure and Recreation, Services | 1 | $128.63 | $59.25 | $128.63 |
.townnone | Featured, Geographic, gTLD | 1 | $76.50 | $126.00 | $76.50 |
.toysnone | Featured, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $131.63 | $59.25 | $131.63 |
.trade | Business, Popular, gTLD | 1 | $59.25 | $79.13 | $59.25 |
.trainingnone | Popular, gTLD, Services | 1 | $82.50 | $120.00 | $82.50 |
.tube | Featured, Technology | 1 | $59.25 | $85.13 | $59.25 |
.universitynone | Education, Featured, gTLD | 1 | $126.00 | $102.75 | $126.00 |
.unonone | Popular, gTLD, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $59.25 | $73.88 | $59.25 |
.vacationsnone | Popular, gTLD, Leisure and Recreation | 1 | $79.13 | $124.50 | $79.13 |
.venturesnone | Popular, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $120.00 | $120.00 | $120.00 |
.vetnone | Featured, Identity and Lifestyle, Services | 1 | $85.13 | $79.13 | $85.13 |
.viajesnone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Technology | 1 | $102.75 | $59.25 | $102.75 |
.videonone | Arts and Entertainment, Featured | 1 | $73.88 | $186.75 | $73.88 |
.villasnone | Popular, gTLD, Real Estate | 1 | $124.50 | $157.50 | $124.50 |
.vin | Featured, Services | 1 | $120.00 | $120.00 | $120.00 |
.visionnone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $79.13 | $88.13 | $79.13 |
.vodkanone | Food and Drink, Popular, gTLD | 1 | $59.25 | $59.25 | $59.25 |
.votenone | Featured, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $186.75 | $59.25 | $186.75 |
.votonone | Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $157.50 | $59.25 | $157.50 |
.voyagenone | Popular, gTLD, Leisure and Recreation | 1 | $120.00 | $55.88 | $120.00 |
.watchnone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Shopping | 1 | $88.13 | $59.25 | $88.13 |
.webcam | Popular, gTLD, Technology | 1 | $59.25 | $120.00 | $59.25 |
.websitenone | Featured, Technology | 1 | $59.25 | $18.38 | $59.25 |
.weddingnone | Featured, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $59.25 | $79.13 | $59.25 |
.wikinone | Popular, gTLD, Interest | 1 | $55.88 | $85.13 | $55.88 |
.win | Novelty | 1 | $59.25 | $73.88 | $59.25 |
.wine | Featured, Food and Drink | 1 | $120.00 | $33.00 | $120.00 |
.worknone | Services | 1 | $18.38 | $59.25 | $18.38 |
.worksnone | Featured, Popular, gTLD, Services | 1 | $79.13 | $79.13 | $79.13 |
.worldnone | Featured, Geographic | 1 | $85.13 | $145.50 | $85.13 |
.wtfnone | Featured, gTLD, Novelty | 1 | $73.88 | $59.25 | $73.88 |
.xyznone | Popular, gTLD, Novelty | 1 | $33.00 | $53.25 | $33.00 |
.yoganone | Featured, Interest, Sports | 1 | $59.25 | $59.25 | $59.25 |
.zonenone | Popular, gTLD, Novelty | 1 | $79.13 | $120.00 | $79.13 |
.ms | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $145.50 | $59.25 | $145.50 |
.art | Arts and Entertainment, Community, Featured | 1 | $59.25 | $33.00 | $59.25 |
.bet | Featured, Leisure and Recreation | 1 | $53.25 | $5809.13 | $53.25 |
.bid | Popular, gTLD, Leisure and Recreation, Shopping | 1 | $59.25 | $5809.13 | $59.25 |
.bingo | Featured, Leisure and Recreation | 1 | $120.00 | $44.63 | $120.00 |
.blog | Featured, Interest, Technology | 1 | $59.25 | $33.00 | $59.25 |
.boats | Featured, Shopping | 1 | $33.00 | $111.38 | $33.00 |
.car | Interest | 1 | $5809.13 | $59.25 | $5809.13 |
.cars | Featured, Shopping | 1 | $5809.13 | $59.25 | $5809.13 |
.cloud | Featured, Technology | 1 | $44.63 | $233.25 | $44.63 |
.club | Popular, gTLD, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $33.00 | $59.25 | $33.00 |
.coupons | Featured, Shopping | 1 | $111.38 | $79.13 | $111.38 |
.cricket | Featured, Interest, Sports | 1 | $59.25 | $73.88 | $59.25 |
.date | Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $59.25 | $15.75 | $59.25 |
.doctor | Featured, Services | 1 | $233.25 | $872.25 | $233.25 |
.faith | Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $59.25 | $53.25 | $59.25 |
.family | Featured, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $79.13 | $520.50 | $79.13 |
.fun | Novelty | 1 | $73.88 | $128.63 | $73.88 |
.fyi | Featured, Novelty | 1 | $15.75 | $47.25 | $15.75 |
.game | Leisure and Recreation | 1 | $872.25 | $67.88 | $872.25 |
.group | Featured, Identity and Lifestyle, Interest | 1 | $53.25 | $59.25 | $53.25 |
.hiv | Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $520.50 | $61.88 | $520.50 |
.hospital | Featured, Services | 1 | $128.63 | $59.25 | $128.63 |
.jetzt | Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $47.25 | $44.63 | $47.25 |
.live | Featured, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $67.88 | $73.88 | $67.88 |
.loan | Money and Finance, Services | 1 | $59.25 | $669.00 | $59.25 |
.ltd | Business, Featured | 1 | $61.88 | $99.38 | $61.88 |
.men | Novelty | 1 | $59.25 | $27.00 | $59.25 |
.miami | Geographic | 1 | $44.63 | $73.88 | $44.63 |
.mom | Featured, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $73.88 | $59.25 | $73.88 |
.movie | Arts and Entertainment, Featured, Interest, Shopping | 1 | $669.00 | $51.75 | $669.00 |
.nrw | Geographic | 1 | $99.38 | $13.35 | $99.38 |
.observer | 1 | $27.00 | $35.63 | $27.00 | |
.online | Featured, Technology | 1 | $73.88 | $33.00 | $73.88 |
.party | Leisure and Recreation | 1 | $59.25 | $81.75 | $59.25 |
.pet | Interest | 1 | $51.75 | $33.00 | $51.75 |
.de | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $13.35 | $146.25 | $13.35 |
.icu | Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $35.63 | $73.88 | $35.63 |
.vip | Featured, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $33.00 | $81.75 | $33.00 |
.za.com | ccTLD, Other | 1 | $81.75 | $43.43 | $81.75 |
.yachts | Leisure and Recreation | 1 | $33.00 | $64.43 | $33.00 |
.vu | 1 | $146.25 | $81.75 | $146.25 | |
.vg | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $73.88 | $291.38 | $73.88 |
.uy.com | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $81.75 | $134.63 | $81.75 |
.us.com | ccTLD, Other | 1 | $43.43 | $70.50 | $43.43 |
.uk.net | ccTLD, Other | 1 | $64.43 | $59.25 | $64.43 |
.uk.com | ccTLD, Other | 1 | $81.75 | $62.93 | $81.75 |
.travel | 1 | $291.38 | $81.75 | $291.38 | |
.ski | Community, Featured, Interest, Sports | 1 | $134.63 | $56.63 | $134.63 |
.shop | Community, Featured, Shopping | 1 | $70.50 | $62.93 | $70.50 |
.select | 1 | $59.25 | $198.38 | $59.25 | |
.se.net | ccTLD, Other | 1 | $62.93 | $81.75 | $62.93 |
.se.com | ccTLD, Other | 1 | $81.75 | $43.43 | $81.75 |
.saarland | Geographic | 1 | $56.63 | $55.88 | $56.63 |
.sa.com | ccTLD, Other | 1 | $62.93 | $30.00 | $62.93 |
.realestate | Featured, Real Estate | 1 | $198.38 | $73.88 | $198.38 |
.ru.com | ccTLD, Other | 1 | $81.75 | $40.43 | $81.75 |
.qc.com | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $43.43 | $81.75 | $43.43 |
.pro | gTLD, Specialty, Sponsored | 1 | $55.88 | $14.63 | $55.88 |
.page | 1 | $30.00 | $82.50 | $30.00 | |
.osaka | Community, Geographic | 1 | $73.88 | $109.13 | $73.88 |
.nu | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $40.43 | $33.00 | $40.43 |
.no.com | ccTLD, Other | 1 | $81.75 | $33.00 | $81.75 |
.net.in | ccTLD | 1 | $14.63 | $35.63 | $14.63 |
.navy | Featured, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $82.50 | $79.13 | $82.50 |
.museum | 1 | $109.13 | $35.63 | $109.13 | |
.motorcycles | Shopping | 1 | $33.00 | $85.13 | $33.00 |
.monster | 1 | $33.00 | $21.75 | $33.00 | |
.moe | Novelty | 1 | $35.63 | $81.75 | $35.63 |
.mba | Education, Featured, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $79.13 | $277.13 | $79.13 |
.luxe | Shopping | 1 | $35.63 | $44.63 | $35.63 |
.llc | Business, Community, Featured | 1 | $85.13 | $67.43 | $85.13 |
.li | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $21.75 | $35.63 | $21.75 |
.jpn.com | ccTLD, Other | 1 | $81.75 | $80.00 | $81.75 |
.jobs | gTLD, Sponsored | 1 | $277.13 | $145.50 | $277.13 |
.istanbul | Geographic | 1 | $44.63 | $66.90 | $44.63 |
.kr.com | ccTLD | 1 | $67.43 | $33.00 | $67.43 |
.ist | Geographic | 1 | $35.63 | $72.75 | $35.63 |
.in | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $80.00 | $82.50 | $80.00 |
.im | 1 | $145.50 | $73.88 | $145.50 | |
.hu.com | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $66.90 | $59.93 | $66.90 |
.homes | Real Estate | 1 | $33.00 | $67.88 | $33.00 |
.gy | 1 | $72.75 | $130.13 | $72.75 | |
.gmbh | Business, Community, Featured | 1 | $82.50 | $111.38 | $82.50 |
.gd | 1 | $73.88 | $68.25 | $73.88 | |
.gb.net | ccTLD | 1 | $59.93 | $13.43 | $59.93 |
.games | Featured, Leisure and Recreation | 1 | $67.88 | $20.40 | $67.88 |
.fo | 1 | $130.13 | $35.63 | $130.13 | |
.fan | Featured, Identity and Lifestyle, Sports | 1 | $111.38 | $35.63 | $111.38 |
.eu.com | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $68.25 | $40.88 | $68.25 |
.es | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $13.43 | $217.88 | $13.43 |
.dk | 1 | $20.40 | $289.50 | $20.40 | |
.dev | 1 | $35.63 | $59.25 | $35.63 | |
.desi | Geographic | 1 | $35.63 | $14.63 | $35.63 |
.de.com | ccTLD, Other | 1 | $40.88 | $81.75 | $40.88 |
.cx | 1 | $217.88 | $29.25 | $217.88 | |
.creditunion | Money and Finance, Services | 1 | $289.50 | $63.38 | $289.50 |
.compare | Shopping | 1 | $59.25 | $224.25 | $59.25 |
.co.in | ccTLD | 1 | $14.63 | $59.93 | $14.63 |
.cn.com | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $81.75 | $73.88 | $81.75 |
.cl | 1 | $29.25 | $41.63 | $29.25 | |
.charity | Featured, Interest | 1 | $63.38 | $59.93 | $63.38 |
.ceo | Popular, gTLD, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $224.25 | $79.13 | $224.25 |
.ae.org | ccTLD | 1 | $59.93 | $78.38 | $59.93 |
.airforce | Featured, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $73.88 | $13.43 | $73.88 |
.app | Featured, Services, Technology | 1 | $41.63 | $204.38 | $41.63 |
.ar.com | ccTLD, Other | 1 | $59.93 | $114.00 | $59.93 |
.army | Featured, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $79.13 | $81.75 | $79.13 |
.bayern | Geographic | 1 | $78.38 | $73.88 | $78.38 |
.be | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $13.43 | $21.00 | $13.43 |
.best | Popular, gTLD, Novelty | 1 | $204.38 | $33.00 | $204.38 |
.bible | Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $114.00 | $35.63 | $114.00 |
.br.com | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $81.75 | $73.88 | $81.75 |
.buzz | Popular, gTLD, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $73.88 | $34.50 | $73.88 |
.cam | Featured, Interest | 1 | $21.00 | $33.00 | $21.00 |
.autos | Services, Shopping | 1 | $33.00 | $33.00 | $33.00 |
.cyou | Novelty | 1 | $35.63 | $33.00 | $35.63 |
.gay | Community, Featured, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $73.88 | $33.00 | $73.88 |
.ac.nz | 1 | $34.50 | $33.00 | $34.50 | |
.beauty | Featured, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $33.00 | $146.25 | $33.00 |
.hair | Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $33.00 | $90.38 | $33.00 |
.makeup | 1 | $33.00 | $170.00 | $33.00 | |
.quest | 1 | $33.00 | $250.00 | $33.00 | |
.skin | Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $33.00 | $51.29 | $33.00 |
.health | Featured, Identity and Lifestyle, Services | 1 | $146.25 | $220.28 | $146.25 |
.paris | Community, Geographic | 1 | $90.38 | $220.28 | $90.38 |
.au | ccTLD | 1 | $14.25 | $220.28 | $14.25 |
.sg | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $170.00 | $220.28 | $170.00 |
.co.th | 1 | $250.00 | $27.23 | $250.00 | |
.ca | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $42.74 | $62.87 | $51.29 |
.com.ph | 1 | $146.84 | $62.87 | $220.28 | |
.net.ph | 1 | $146.84 | $66.83 | $220.28 | |
.ph | 1 | $146.84 | $101.25 | $220.28 | |
.org.ph | 1 | $146.84 | $86.63 | $220.28 | |
.eu | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $18.14 | $13.13 | $27.23 |
.hk | 1 | $41.84 | $29.69 | $62.87 | |
.com.hk | 1 | $41.84 | $34.55 | $62.87 | |
.ie | 1 | $44.54 | $39.35 | $66.83 | |
.id | 1 | $48.74 | $176.54 | $63.89 | |
.com.sg | ccTLD, Geography, Other | 1 | $60.74 | $774.00 | $86.63 |
.co.za | ccTLD | 1 | $8.69 | $51.11 | $13.13 |
.com.es | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $19.79 | $153.45 | $29.69 |
.wang | Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $22.94 | - | $34.55 |
.wales | Geographic | 1 | $26.24 | $54.93 | $39.35 |
.voting | gTLD, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $117.74 | $80.45 | $176.54 |
.vn | 1 | $709.49 | $439.32 | $774.00 | |
.tokyo | Geographic, gTLD | 1 | $42.59 | $75.48 | $51.11 |
.vegas | Geographic, gTLD, Leisure and Recreation | 1 | $102.29 | $133.55 | $153.45 |
.tk | ccTLD | 2 | $16.49 | - | $24.75 |
.taipei | Geographic | 1 | $36.59 | $1143.45 | $54.93 |
.tirol | Community, Geographic | 1 | $53.69 | $100.25 | $80.45 |
.swiss | Community, Geographic | 1 | $292.94 | $37.13 | $439.32 |
.sx | 1 | $50.39 | $103.95 | $75.48 | |
.sr | 1 | $88.94 | $88.98 | $133.55 | |
.srl | Business | 1 | $71.84 | $6864.83 | $107.67 |
.sport | Community, Interest, Sports | 1 | $762.29 | $4007.28 | $1143.45 |
.scot | Community, Geographic, Identity and Lifestyle | 1 | $66.89 | $48.27 | $100.25 |
.ryukyu | Geographic | 1 | $24.74 | $48.27 | $37.13 |
.ruhr | Geographic | 1 | $69.29 | $79.50 | $103.95 |
.ru | 1 | $59.24 | $37.13 | $88.98 | |
.rich | Popular, gTLD, Money and Finance | 1 | $4576.49 | $4207.50 | $6864.83 |
.reit | Community, Money and Finance | 1 | $2671.49 | $43.73 | $4007.28 |
.radio.fm | 1 | $32.24 | $46.92 | $48.27 | |
.radio.am | 1 | $32.24 | $90.35 | $48.27 | |
.qpon | Shopping | 1 | $52.94 | $37.13 | $79.50 |
.priv.pl | 1 | $24.74 | $66.14 | $37.13 | |
.pr | 1 | $2804.99 | $198.00 | $4207.50 | |
.pl | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $29.09 | $17.33 | $43.73 |
.per.sg | 1 | $31.19 | $42.08 | $46.92 | |
.org.sg | 1 | $60.29 | $29.69 | $90.35 | |
.org.pl | ccTLD | 1 | $24.74 | $37.02 | $37.13 |
.org.mx | 1 | $55.19 | $35.15 | $66.14 | |
.org.my | 1 | $131.99 | $39.35 | $198.00 | |
.org.in | ccTLD | 1 | $11.54 | $121.17 | $17.33 |
.org.im | 1 | $28.04 | $31.89 | $42.08 | |
.org.es | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $19.79 | $29.69 | $29.69 |
.org.cn | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $24.59 | $37.13 | $37.02 |
.or.at | 1 | $23.39 | $29.97 | $35.15 | |
.onl | Popular, gTLD | 1 | $26.24 | $21.74 | $39.35 |
.ong | Business, Community | 1 | $80.69 | $118.65 | $121.17 |
.okinawa | Geographic | 1 | $21.29 | $1670.63 | $31.89 |
.nom.es | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $19.79 | $90.35 | $29.69 |
.nom.co | ccTLD, Other | 1 | $31.04 | $37.13 | $37.13 |
.no | 1 | $19.94 | $335.37 | $29.97 | |
.nl | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $18.14 | $42.08 | $21.74 |
.ngo | Business, Community | 1 | $79.04 | $37.13 | $118.65 |
.new | Novelty | 1 | $1113.74 | $51.11 | $1670.63 |
.net.sg | 1 | $60.29 | $37.02 | $90.35 | |
.net.pl | ccTLD | 1 | $24.74 | $201.72 | $37.13 |
.net.my | 1 | $223.64 | $3.53 | $335.37 | |
.net.im | 1 | $28.04 | $148.47 | $42.08 | |
.net.co | ccTLD, Other | 1 | $31.04 | $49.50 | $37.13 |
.nagoya | Popular, Geographic, gTLD | 1 | $42.59 | $33.42 | $51.11 |
.net.cn | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $24.59 | $158.40 | $37.02 |
.my | 1 | $134.54 | $5454.90 | $201.72 | |
.mu | 1 | $3.14 | $295.76 | $3.53 | |
.mx | 1 | $109.49 | $194.79 | $148.47 | |
.maori.nz | 1 | $32.99 | $39.60 | $49.50 | |
.lt | 1 | $22.34 | $49.50 | $33.42 | |
.ltda | 1 | $105.59 | $239.97 | $158.40 | |
.lotto | Leisure and Recreation | 1 | $3306.00 | $57.63 | $5454.90 |
.law | Featured, Services | 1 | $197.24 | $12.95 | $295.76 |
.kyoto | Geographic | 1 | $129.89 | $37.13 | $194.79 |
.koeln | Geographic | 1 | $26.39 | $17.33 | $39.60 |
.kiwi.nz | 1 | $32.99 | $7704.68 | $49.50 | |
.jp | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $159.89 | $3.53 | $239.97 |
.joburg | Geographic | 1 | $38.39 | $38.19 | $57.63 |
.it | ccTLD, Geography | 1 | $14.09 | $128.70 | $16.94 |
.info.pl | ccTLD | 1 | $24.74 | $89.10 | $37.13 |
.ind.in | ccTLD | 1 | $11.54 | $49.50 | $17.33 |